Help Available for San Diego Wildfire Victims

The October 2007 San Diego Wildfires were a scary time for most of the region as wildfires raged and traveled great distances carried by powerful Santa Ana winds. It was, we believed, a horribly tragic natural catastrophe.

Now, there is significant evidence that two of these fires–the Witch Creek and Rice Canyon fires–may have been caused by defective SDG&E power lines. Several investigators and witnesses observed SDG&E personnel making repairs immediately following the fires.

If faulty or defective SDG&E power lines did cause these fires, the victims deserve compensation to rebuild their lost homes and to get back on their feet. Luckily, a group of dedicated and prominent trial lawyers has teamed up to help. Their website,, provides information for victims and allows them to obtain legal advice.

If you or your loved ones were victims of the Witch Creek or Rice Canyon fires, please visit their website.…