San Diego Social Security Benefits Lawyers

Social Security is a form of social insurance that protects individuals and families from financial hardships. Situations that affect a person’s ability to provide for himself and his family include retirement, death, disability, or any other physical or mental impairment. To ensure that money is available for beneficiaries, a claim must be made and specific criteria must be met.

The San Diego social security disability attorneys take on Social Security claims every year. We have been representing Social Security clients for several years and we can help you and your friends and family if they ever suffer from a physical or mental impairment.

Filing for Social Security Disability (SSD) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Can be a Daunting Process, but the San Diego Lawyers Will Focus on Getting You the Benefits You Need and Deserve.

Every year, thousands of San Diego residents become eligible for Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits.  However, most are initially denied their SSD benefits when they apply to the Social Security Administration.  The experienced and skilled SSD/SSI appeals attorneys can help if you are denied your Social Security Disability benefits.

What is Social Security?

Social Security is a form of social insurance that protects individuals and families from financial hardships. Situations that affect a person’s ability to provide for himself and his family include retirement, death, disability, or any other physical or mental impairment.     

The Social Security Administration (SSA) offers several types of benefits:    

  • Retirement Benefits 
  • Survivor’s Benefits
  • Disability Insurance Benefits
  • Supplemental Security income

There are other financial and health care benefits that are offered through Social Security.  However, these are some of the most relevant ones.    

Retirement Benefits

Retirement benefits are available to those who have paid enough Social Security taxes (through income withholding) to be fully-insured for retirement benefits.  You are eligible to receive full retirement benefits when you have reached full retirement age.  The full retirement age used to be 65, but is now rising.  

Survivor Benefits

Survivor benefits are available to direct relatives of deceased workers if those deceased workers have paid enough money into Social Security to be insured for retirement and survivors’ benefits.            

Disability Insurance Benefits

Disability Insurance was designed to provide disabled workers with income.  

How do prove that you are disabled?


  • You have a physical or mental impairment that can be shown through medical evidence.
  • You are unable to do ANY sort of work, not just your own past work, on a full-time basis.  (There are limited exceptions to this rule, depending on your age, education, and transferable skills.)
  • You are unable to work for 12 consecutive months or more at a level of substantial gainful activity (In 2008, this means you are unable to earn more than $940 per month).

Unlike an auto accident or a worker’s compensation claim, a Social Security Disability benefits claim includes a person’s entire life history, meaning it will take into account any physical injury you have sustained, but also any unrelated, pre-existing medical conditions, education level, skill level, and psychiatric conditions.   

What is Considered a Disabling Condition for Social Security Benefits?

  • Arthritis
  • Bipolar Disorder
  • Central Nervous System Vascular Accident (or stroke)
  • Congestive Heart Failure
  • Disorders of the Spine
  • Epilepsy
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Peripheral Arterial Disease

This is not an exhaustive list, but if you suffer from any of these symptoms, be sure to seek medical attention immediately and consult with a San Diego Social Security attorney. And remember, you can receive disability benefits even though you have been able to return to work.

Supplemental Security Income

Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is a program designed to provide financial assistance to those who are ineligible for Disability Insurance Benefits or who are only eligible for a small amount, but who are nevertheless unable to work due to a physical or mental impairment, and who have very limited income and financial resources.   In order to be eligible to receive these benefits, your household income must be very low and the value of your total assets (not including your house or car) must not exceed $2,000 if you are single or $3,000 if you are married. You must also prove that you are disabled.    

Find an Experienced Social Security Attorney

Choosing a Social Security attorney is no easy task.  Many attorneys claim to be Social Security lawyers, but they don’t have the experience that we have.  Our lawyers are experienced and have successfully prosecuted the interests of our clients before the Social Security Administration appeals hearing.  If you or a loved one has been denied your Social Security benefits, contact the Disability Help Group for a free consultation.…