San Diego Disability Injury Lawyer

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Elderly Man Crashes Car Into La Mesa Store

An unidentified elderly man crashed his car into the wall of Cost Plus World Market in La Mesa on November 17, 2010. The elderly car driver said that his foot hit the accelerator and the car went in reverse. It appears that the man did not realize that his car was in reverse and was attempting to drive forward. According to witnesses, the elderly car driver crashed into three mailboxes and parts of a concrete wall before his car came to rest against the wall.

The auto accident raises several concerns that are often mentioned about elderly drivers. Even assuming that the elderly driver did not realize his car was in reverse, why didn’t he remove his foot from the accelerator and apply the brake as soon as his car went backward? Why did it take a concrete wall to stop the vehicle? Presumably, if the car did not collide with the wall it would have kept on traveling and could have struck and killed or injured pedestrians or other motorists. Should elderly drivers be tested more frequently? Should elderly drivers be allowed on the road past a certain age? After their motor skills deteriorate to the point when they don’t realize which direction they are going? Or after they cannot apply the brakes quickly? These are legitimate questions but have to be tempered with the desire of elderly drivers to remain independent and be able to commute on their own as needed.

We are very thankful that no other motorist or pedestrian was injured in this La Mesa car accident.…

San Diego MTS Worker Shot on the Job

A San Diego Metropolitan Transit System security officer was reported to be in stable condition in the hospital following a shooting attack on his life when he was shot twice while at the Grossmont Trolley Station in La Mesa late July 18, 2009.

The shooting happened at 10:15 p.m. when an unidentified man shot the worker with a semiautomatic pistol, and then took the gun and two spare magazines from the officer’s belt. The attacker was not found even though a search was conducted with both police dogs and a helicopter. Trolley services at the station were suspended until 3:40 a.m. the following day for the police investigation. Riders were instead transported by bus. MTS officials report that security has been enhanced as a direct result of the incident.…

San Diego Lawsuit Brings Attention to Food Contamination

Last week, a man diagnosed with hepatitis A filed a lawsuit against a La Mesa Chipotle restaurant.

The man, Terry Wesley, claims that he became sick on April 24 after eating at the Chipotle restaurant and remains sick to this day.

The lawsuit was filed just as San Diego County health officials reported another hepatitis A case that officials believe may also be linked to the La Mesa restaurant. If that is the case, officials have documented 21 people sickened by food contamination at the restaurant between March 1 and April 22.

Food contamination is a serious problem, particularly common among fast food restaurants and any other restaurant where health preparations are sacrificed in the name of speed and profit. Hepatitis A is a particularly serious disease that attacks the liver and is spread by contamination of food or water through fecal matter.

If you have suffered from food poisoning and incurred a serious infection, such as hepatitis A, please contact us for a free initial consultation. Not only are you entitled to compensation, but your claim draws attention to the poor sanitary conditions at the violating restaurant.…