San Diego Disability Injury Lawyer

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Drugs and Driving Don’t Mix in Seattle Car Accident Case

A drug prescribed by a physician makes people generally feel more at ease about taking it- since the drug is recommended by a doctor it surely must be safe. But as a San Diego dangerous drugs lawyer, I have seen the destruction these drugs can bring on the roadways. Prescription drugs have taken on a new role in recent years with 6 million Americans using prescription narcotics such as Vicodin for non-medical purposes. For most of the population, this would be considered better than abusing illegal narcotics, but these drugs have just as disastrous consequences.

Recently a Seattle car accident case proved how dangerous these medications are whether prescribed or taken illegally. Bellevue personal injury law firm, Premier Law Group closed a car accident case involving a driver asleep at the wheel. The drowsy driver ran over and drug a construction worker twenty feet as he removed necessary items from his truck. The most common assumption would be the accident occurred at a late hour and the driver was simply tired—in this case, however, the driver had been illegally using a prescription medication. The medication made him drowsy, as the label clearly warns, and he fell asleep behind the wheel as an adverse side effect.

The construction worker was rushed to the hospital where he remained for some time. He would never be able to return to his profession due to the extent of his injuries and had to retrain in a different field.

What makes this case even more real is how often prescription drug abusers operate a vehicle without a second thought to their condition and the adverse reaction to the drug. Most of the 6 million Americans admitting to using prescription drugs in a recreational capacity admit to operating a vehicle while under the influence. To learn more about the Drug Driving epidemic read the article “Drugs and Driving” by Seattle personal injury lawyer, Jason Epstein.…

San Diego Train Accident Kills Pedestrian

Roger Lee Bailey, 46, while trying to cross the train tracks in the North San Diego County city of Oceanside, was struck and killed by an Amtrak train on September 18, 2010 around 11:55 p.m. Oceanside Police Sgt. Travis Norton said that the man was trying to cross the tracks on the 200 block of Surfrider Way when he tripped and was struck by San Diego bound train.

The train stopped at the accident scene to await investigating officers from San Diego County Sherriff’s Department. The exact reason of Bailey’s presence on the tracks is not clear, although it appears that he was trying to cross the railroad track and may have been trying to “beat” the train. It is also not clear whether Bailey was under the influence of drugs or alcohol or sober when this fatal train accident occurred.

The exact cause of this injury accident still remains under investigation. If it is found that the train driver’s negligence or inattentiveness caused this fatal train accident, then he and Amtrak might be held responsible for the victim’s death and may be civilly liable to pay the cost of his funeral, loss of earnings, and loss of love and companionship. More facts are needed to determine if this is the case.

In the meantime, nothing can be said that would console or help Mr. Bailey’s friends and family in a time like this. The loss of a loved one is never easy but it is particularly hard when it happens in an accident where someone may be legally responsible for their death. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Mr. Bailey’s friends and family. We wish them peace.…

Carlsbad Auto Accident Pins Woman Between Two Cars

An elderly woman sustained serious injuries when she was pinned between two cars in a driveway on September 19, 2010, around 1:15 p.m. The injured victim was helping another elderly woman back out of her driveway near the intersection of Chestnut Avenue and Celinda Drive in Carlsbad when this auto accident occurred.

The injured woman became trapped between two cars and suffered serious injuries to her head and torso. At present, it seems that the inattentiveness of another elderly woman driving along the street might have lead to this car crash. Under California Vehicle Code § 21901, drivers cannot disregard pedestrians standing or walking in roadways. They must avoid an accident by stopping or turning out of harm’s way. If it is found that the woman driving her car along the street was at fault, after the Carlsbad Police perform their initial investigation, then they might be held liable for the injuries the woman standing in the street suffered. She might also be held liable to pay compensation to the injured woman for her medical costs and pain that she suffered.

We hope that the woman injured in this traffic collision recovers fully from her injuries and that no long term damage has been suffered. Our thoughts and prayers go out to her.…

Lake Elsinore Man Killed in Fatal Hit-And-Run Pickup Truck Crash

49-year-old John Cameron was killed in a serious hit-and-run truck accident that occurred on September 16, 2011, around 8 p.m. at Grand Avenue and Blackwell Blvd in the unincorporated area of Lakeland Village. According to Riverside County Coroner’s office, a truck described by witnesses as a Ford F-250 traveling north struck Cameron and fled from the accident scene.

Cameron suffered life-threatening injuries and was immediately transported to Inland Valley Medical Center, where he was pronounced dead around 8:45 p.m. Based on the limited information provided in the news accounts, the family of the deceased may be eligible for compensation. Leaving the scene of an accident is a serious violation under California law. California Vehicle Code 20001 (a) states: “The driver of a vehicle involved in an accident resulting in injury to a person, other than himself or herself, or in the death of a person shall immediately stop the vehicle at the scene of the accident.”

At this time, the deceased’s family members should seek counsel from an experienced Riverside County hit-and-run pedestrian accident lawyer who would help them learn about their legal rights and options and obtain compensation to cover funeral and burial costs, loss of anticipated wages, loss of love, care and companionship, and other accident-related damages.

Our law office offers sincere condolences to all those who knew and loved Cameron for such a tragic loss.…

Car Runs Into San Bernardino Home

A 71-year old woman and her 43-year old son suffered serious injuries when a Nissan Titan veered into their home on September 14, 2010, around 1:40 a.m. According to California Highway Patrol officers, the pickup truck crashed through the bedroom and living room of the victim’s home in Victorville, located approximately 100 miles from San Diego in San Bernardino County.

Fortunately, six to seven people sleeping upstairs escaped unhurt. The pickup truck driver, though, suffered minor injuries in this truck accident. The Fire Department crew that responded to the accident scene shored up the house to prevent it from collapsing. Hopefully it will not be “red-tagged” as uninhabitable and torn down.

From the present facts it appears that the negligence and inattentiveness of the truck driver caused this accident. Investigating officers need to find out whether the truck driver was driving under influence—which he most likely was given the nature of this auto accident and the time of day–or was distracted. If it is found that the truck driver was negligent, then he will be responsible to pay compensation to the injured victims for medical costs, loss of earnings, pain and suffering, and the damage done to their house.…

Rialto Hit-And-Run Car Wreck Kills Young Skateboarder

13-year-old Jonathan Olagues was killed in a Rialto hit-and-run car crash that occurred on September 4, 2011, night in the 400 block of Home Street in Rialto. According to the investigating officers, the boy was riding a skateboard eastbound in the street when he was struck by an eastbound vehicle.

The motorist who struck Olagues fled from the accident scene. Unfortunately, the skateboarder suffered critical injuries and paramedics pronounced him dead at the accident scene.

It is indeed an unfortunate thing that due to a negligent driver, a young child lost his life. Investigating officers need to find out whether the motorist was driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol or was speeding. Anyone of these could have well been the reason why the motorist fled the scene without even stopping to help a critically injured teenager, who was lying in the street, exposed to further danger.

The motorist, if found guilty, should definitely be held accountable both criminally and civilly for his cruel, selfish, and negligent actions. The driver in this case violated the law the California Vehicle Code Section 20001 (a) which states: “The driver of a vehicle involved in an accident resulting in injury to a person, other than himself or herself, or in the death of a person shall immediately stop the vehicle at the scene of the accident.”

Olagues’ family members would be well advised to seek the guidance of an experienced San Bernardino County hit-and-run auto accident lawyer, who will stay on top of the official investigation and make sure that the family’s legal rights and best interests are protected. The deceased’s family members can file a wrongful death claim against the at-fault motorist to obtain compensation to cover funeral and burial costs, loss of anticipated earnings, loss of love and care, and other accident-related damages.

Our law office offers sincere condolences to all those who knew and loved the boy for such a heart rendering loss.…

Baby Killed In Huntington Beach Car Accident

A 31-year old woman along with her 11-year old daughter, and her 3-month old daughter, Ruby Gould, were struck by a car while trying to cross a marked crosswalk in Huntington Beach. This fatal pedestrian accident occurred on September 7, 2010, at the intersection of Croupier Drive and Springdale Street, approximately 91 miles from San Diego in Orange County.

According to Huntington Beach Police, a Toyota Tundra that stopped to let the pedestrians cross the street was rear-ended by a speeding Chevy Tahoe that failed to stop at the intersection.

The force of the traffic collision pushed the Tundra into the crosswalk, striking the three pedestrians. Unfortunately, Ruby was killed, while the mother and young girl sustained severe injuries. The boy who was walking along with the group escaped unhurt. The investigation of this car accident is pending.

Based on the present facts, the Chevy Tahoe driver will probably be found at fault for failing to stop at the intersection and provide the right of the way to the pedestrians as required by California Vehicle Code Section 21950. This California law holds that drivers must give the right of way to pedestrians in marked crosswalks and at an intersection. Violation of this law may entitle the injured woman for compensation to cover the cost of funeral arrangements for Ruby, cost of hospitalization and treatment of injuries, and other related damages.

We express our sincere condolences to all those who knew and loved the toddler for such a tragic loss. There is nothing as tragic as the loss of a child. It is just too painful to imagine. We also sincerely hope and pray that the injured victims are able to recover to their complete health soon.…

NHTSA Extends “Smart Car” Testing Another Six Months

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) recently extended a testing program for self-driving cars. The program was initiated in August 2012 in Ann Arbor, Michigan, for the collection of data on the safety of these vehicles and their systems. Many skilled San Diego personal injury attorneys have followed the testing closely, since the technology offers both benefits and concerns when it comes to driver safety.

Although the testing has been extended, the NHTSA said it has no plans to extend its decision-making when it comes to allowing self-driving technology. By the end of 2013, the agency plans to use the test results to decide whether the agency will encourage development of self-driving vehicles, demand additional research into their safety and efficacy, or both.

The purpose of the extended testing is to examine how the technology works on motorcycles and how data is transmitted between vehicles and local structures, according to researchers. These findings should help the NHTSA make a decision on whether to pursue self-driving technology in heavy vehicles like commercial trucks and buses.

One major focus of the testing is to examine whether self-driving vehicles perform better than human drivers when it comes to avoiding crashes. The test uses more than 2,800 cars, buses, and trucks, which can “talk” to one another wirelessly. They can also “talk” to traffic lights, intersections, curves, and other road sites. By transmitting data to one another, the cars “learn” one another’s position, speed, and direction, which allow their onboard computers to predict travel paths and, if necessary, avoid crashes.…

Three La Jolla Teens Hurt By Suspected Drunk Driver in San Diego Pedestrian Accident

Ronald Troyer, 67, a suspected drunken, injured three teenagers who were walking on the sidewalk in La Jolla on August 21, 2010 around 6:30 p.m. San Diego authorities reported that the three teens, Alani Agurre, 14, Miles Ploger, and Ian Brininstool, whose ages are not known, were walking on La Jolla Boulevard when a speeding Chrysler New Yorker hit them. Two more teenagers walking with them, fortunately, escaped unhurt.

Alani Agurre was carried for about twenty yards on the top of the car’s hood before he was thrown into the glass window of Cass Street Café and was pinned underneath the car. Agurre sustained serious injuries, including a broken arm and a broken pelvis. All three of the teenagers were immediately transported to a local hospital for treatment.

Troyer was arrested later and charged with felony drunk driving causing injury. A complete investigation is being carried out to know the exact cause of this crash. Troyer has a history of drug and alcohol abuse. It will not be a surprise if he is found to be driving under the influence of any one of these.

Under California law, it is unlawful for anyone to operate a motor vehicle under the influence of any drug or alcohol per California Vehicle Code Section 23152(a). Therefore, the injured teenagers are entitled for a compensation to cover the cost of treatment of injuries, cost of hospitalization, and other related damages. Unfortunately, the magnitude of the injuries is very high in this accident. Troyer, who has a history of past drunk driving arrests and is believed to be homeless, probably does not have adequate insurance to pay for the injuries he has caused. The children’s families would be well advised to confer with an experienced San Diego personal injury attorney.…

Simi Valley Car Crash Leaves Pedestrian Injured

A 57-year-old unidentified man suffered serious injuries in Simi Valley pedestrian accident that occurred on August 19, 2011, around 11 p.m. in Simi Valley. According to police officials, the pedestrian was struck by a vehicle while he was walking across the Royal Avenue near the intersection of Sycamore Drive.

The injured man was immediately transported to Los Robles Hospital & Medical Center to receive treatment for fractures to the legs, a fracture to the arm, and other bruises and cuts that he suffered.

There is limited information and an investigation will yield the exact cause of the accident. Investigating officers need to determine how fast the vehicle was traveling, if the motorist was distracted, or whether he was driving negligently. A detailed investigation will help the officers determine the exact cause of this car crash.

The injured pedestrians should immediately seek counsel from an experienced Ventura County pedestrian accident lawyer who would educate them about their legal rights and assure that the at-fault party is apprehended and brought to justice. The injured victim can file a personal injury claim against the at-fault driver to obtain compensation to cover medical treatment, hospital costs, loss of wages, loss of earning capacity, and other accident-related expenses.

Our personal injury law office sincerely hopes and prays that the injuries suffered by the pedestrian heal soon.…