The mere shock of a car accident can have lasting effects for those involved and even more so for those left behind. The sudden loss of a loved one in a vehicle crash presents many unknowns and their absence can never be replaced. It is never easy to accept the loss of someone you love, especially when another person’s negligence is the cause. Although this is a difficult time, in many instances, getting as much information as possible about your legal rights and options can help with the process of rebuilding and ensuring that financial matters are taken care of.
If someone close to you was killed in a car accident that was caused by a negligent driver, a dangerous roadway, or a defective auto part, you are entitled to pursue compensation to offset both economic and non-economic damages. Are you required to do so? Absolutely not. The choice is yours and there are no obligations.
To find out more information about whether taking legal action would be to your benefit, please call the car accident lawyers. We have been protecting the rights of family members of wrongful death victims for many years. Please contact us today for a free consultation. Our successful track record is a testament to the effectiveness of our resources and strategies.
Driver Negligence
When a driver is negligent or reckless, he or she does not take the safety of others into account and often does not perform preventative measures prior to or during a crash, resulting in fatal injuries. Some of the most common and dangerous forms of driver negligence include:
- Driving under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs;
- Speeding;
- Ignoring the rules of the road and/or traffic signals;
- Using a cell phone, smartphone or texting and driving;
- Fatigued or drowsy driving; and
- Other forms of distracted driving.
Any of these reckless behaviors can cause a driver to fail to notice other vehicles and pedestrians, or drive in a dangerous way that can easily result in a fatal auto accident. These forms of negligent driving can also lead to types of accidents that would not occur as easily under normal circumstances, such as head-on collisions, side-impact crashes, and collisions that occur at full speed without any braking. These crashes often result in severe injuries that can lead to death.
How to Prove Fault
Proving fault in a wrongful death claim or lawsuit is a demanding process that involves a significant amount of organizing medical records, accident reconstruction demonstration, witness testimony, and more. In some fatal car crashes, more than one party may be liable, which causes the case to become more complicated. However, with the right attorney on your side who is diligent and determined, no stone will go unturned in your case so as to ensure a positive outcome.
Legal Representation You Can Rely On
When a motor vehicle accident that results in fatalities is caused by another party’s negligent or reckless actions, the families of those who died in the crash can seek compensation from those responsible. The San Diego wrongful death attorneys can help the families of deceased car accident victims find compensation for a number of losses, including pain and suffering, lost wages, and funeral costs. Our law firm is committed to upholding justice and ensuring that our clients’ voices are heard. For more information, contact our skilled law team today.