San Diego Disability Injury Lawyer

Expert Advocacy

A dedicated law firm offering tailored legal solutions, ensuring justice through expertise, integrity, and commitment.

What is a Law Firm?

A law firm is also known as a law firm or legal office. Many people require their services. People already know that the economic activity of law firms consists of providing these services.

vision of the lawyer

The vision of the lawyer as a professional who works solely and exclusively in judicial processes needs to be updated. Among the many services he provides are negotiation, intervention, and tax advice.

In addition to being flexible, the attorney must tailor his offerings to each client’s particular needs.

Generally speaking, teamwork defines a law firm. This team consists of individuals with a diverse variety of professional specialties. Every one of them handles particular issues. Therefore, the client will benefit from the cooperation of these technicians in their cases.

Clients usually request help from a law firm either because they have a legal problem or because they need legal advice before making decisions, such as drawing up contracts.

The members of the law firm, for their part, are specialized in specific areas of law. They lend their experience mainly in Civil, Administrative, Corporate, Intellectual Property, Labor, Tax, Criminal, and Commercial Law. Multidisciplinary and interdisciplinarity, therefore, are the norms in a law firm.

the lawyer focuses

Therefore, even if the lawyer focuses on one case, he will receive advice from the rest of his colleagues. This cooperation will also provide more extraordinary richness to the approach to the case. The lawyers in a law firm, apart from the usual role of a lawyer, offer you various roles. They can also help you as advisors, planners, analysts, advocates, and researchers.

What Services Does A Law Firm Offer?

Typically, in the law firm, we cover the following activities.’

Difference Between A Law Firm And A Law Office

The main difference between a law firm and a law office is their size. A law firm is structured as a single work unit—a company with a shared workspace to which all its members are assigned.

However, a law firm is a broader organization. It has a central structure from which it is divided into substructures. A law firm will receive all its clients in the same organization. But a firm can serve them in any of its sub-offices. It may even be present in different territories (some of them international). In addition, it has the possibility of dedicating resources to specific areas. In these cases, it will offer what are known as law boutiques.

Why Is Marketing Important In A Law Firm?

Why is marketing important for a law firm? Today, we ask ourselves this question. Does my firm really need to do marketing? Will I not have enough with the clients that come from referrals from previous clients? If you are a newly established lawyer, there are not many past clients to draw on. Let’s see whether or not it is worth doing marketing and why. Inquiring into the question does not commit us to anything, if anything, to questioning our previous mental schemes.

Marketing Applied to Legal Professions: Practices And Tips

Thanks to the liberalization of professions associated with law, lawyers and law firms can invest in marketing actions to make themselves known to potential clients and gain recognition on the web or wherever their prospects may be concentrated. In this way, marketing is understood as a set of techniques that aim to develop a commercial strategy and study the market in order to remain visible in a dynamic competitive universe. Focusing on marketing applied to legal professions and on the many tips and practices to implement to increase the notoriety of your firm is an unavoidable dynamic in any free and competitive market.

The legal profession is a free market. The legal profession is a market with a very high supply of workers. This leads to competitiveness. Competition forces us to compete.

Legal Marketing Is Perfectly Compatible with Lawyers

Competition and the pressure on prices and fees experienced by lawyers in recent decades have given rise to what is known as legal marketing. This marketing logic imported directly from the United States is of particular importance in our legal sector, with more and more law firms convinced of the commercial dynamics of the profession.

Previously, lawyers were limited in their use of communication and marketing techniques to find new clients and promote their services. This liberalization further justifies the use of communication agencies for lawyers   (such as Clipping, for example, which supports law firms in designing marketing strategies). The objective of legal marketing is simple: it is about “promoting” the legal service provided by a lawyer or law firm to potential clients.

Legal marketing thus responds perfectly to the logic of liberalization. Marketing allows us to rethink the “lawyer-client relationship” and to place the “consumer of law” at the center of the lawyer’s service. In addition, legal marketing complies with the ethical standards that lawyers must follow.

The objectives of legal marketing

Legal marketing revolves around four distinct objectives: “attraction,” “conversion,” “brand image,” and finally, “loyalty.”

Attracting new clients is the raison d’être of marketing applied to the legal professions. The main objective shown here is to increase the market share of the law firm, reach the most significant possible number of potential clients, and, therefore, increase the workload (and turnover).

Conversion is what is commonly referred to as CRM, i.e., return on investment. Here, the goal is to reduce the cost and investment of the number of clients who actually come into contact with the law firm.

Legal marketing also aims to improve the brand image of the law firm. The goal is to enhance the perception that potential clients have of the structure that is likely to host them and provide them with a service.

Ultimately, the goal of legal marketing is to “retain” clients. In this way, if the consumer is satisfied with the legal service provided by the lawyer, he or she will not hesitate to use his or her services again.…

What Does a Law Attorney Do?

A law attorney, often referred to simply as a lawyer, is a licensed professional who provides legal advice, represents clients in legal matters, and advocates for justice within the framework of the law. Attorneys play a critical role in both civil and criminal cases, helping individuals, businesses, and organizations navigate the legal system. Their work ranges from offering counsel on everyday legal issues to representing clients in complex litigation. Here’s a closer look at the roles, responsibilities, and importance of law attorneys.

Types of Law Attorneys

These are the different types of lawyers that exist and their main functions:

Civil Lawyers

They are those who handle everything stipulated in the Civil Code, working with both natural and legal persons. Their work covers a wide variety of cases, including contractual disputes, claims for damages, and other types of civil litigation. It should be noted that civil lawyers can have different specializations, considering the breadth of this branch of law.

Family Lawyers

As mentioned, a civil lawyer can specialize specifically in family issues in order to handle disputes that may arise in family relationships. These professionals do not limit themselves to handling divorce or custody cases; they also act as mediators in family disputes, striving to find solutions that benefit all parties. In addition, they handle paternity and filiation cases and provide advice on the processes of emancipation of minors.

Commercial Lawyers

In addition to being governed by the Civil Code, these lawyers handle everything related to commercial laws, that is, the relationships between companies or businessmen and merchants. They also seek compliance with contracts made with the will and consent of the parties.

Administrative Lawyers

Administrative lawyers ensure compliance with various administrative resolutions, regulating the relationship between the administered and the State, ensuring that the government’s actions are legal and equitable, and providing effective defense in this specific field that regulates interactions between citizens and the State. Their functions are performed in the public sector.

Labor Lawyers

Aspects such as the relationship between employers and employees, labor rights, working conditions and applicable regulations are vital areas where the labor lawyer plays an essential role. In Ecuador, lawyers specializing in Labor Law seek the protection of the rights of people within their jobs, thus resolving disputes between workers and their employers, which may be a private company or the public administration.

Corporate Lawyers

These types of lawyers provide legal advice that revolves around companies. They participate in the entire process, from the creation of the company to its legal development, with the aim of ensuring that it is established in compliance with all legal requirements and acting if any controversy arises.

Criminal Lawyers

A criminal lawyer complies with the provisions of the Comprehensive Organic Criminal Code, working with the different crimes stipulated in said legal body. The criminal lawyer not only defends in crime cases but also ensures that the procedures and guarantees established by law are respected. In the event that the lawyer defends the victim, he or she will be responsible for filing the respective complaint and participating in the process to protect the victim and to achieve a fair sentence according to the crime.…

The Importance of Law Attorneys

Lawyers’ labor allows for the upkeep of the rule of law and guarantees that justice is served. Whether they are defending a person’s rights in a criminal case or ensuring justice in business transactions, lawyers are crucial to society’s functioning. Not only do they represent their clients, but they also offer astute legal advice that helps prevent legal problems before they arise.

Interacting with a lawyer can significantly influence the results for individuals and businesses alike. In matters precisely, an effective legal team could mean the contrast between being found not guilty or convicted. Regarding disputes, lawyers may facilitate settlements to prevent costly lawsuits.

Moreover, attorneys ensure that legal procedures are followed correctly, which helps uphold fairness in the judicial system. They act as intermediaries, ensuring that complex laws and regulations are understood and appropriately applied in various contexts.

Primary Responsibilities of Law Attorneys

  1. Legal Advice and Counsel: Attorneys provide advice to clients on a wide variety of legal issues. This could involve business contracts, family law matters like divorce or custody, personal injury claims, intellectual property rights, and many other areas. Their role is to assess the legal issues at hand, explain the law, and offer strategic solutions or actions clients should take.
  2. Representation in Court: One of the most well-known roles of attorneys is their ability to represent clients in court. Whether in civil or criminal cases, attorneys act as advocates, presenting evidence, cross-examining witnesses, and making arguments to support their client’s position. In criminal law, defense attorneys represent individuals accused of crimes, while prosecuting attorneys represent the government in bringing charges against defendants.
  3. Drafting Legal Documents: Attorneys are responsible for drafting various legal documents, such as contracts, wills, deeds, and pleadings. These documents must be precise and adhere to the legal standards of the jurisdiction to ensure they are enforceable in court. This work requires a deep understanding of legal language and statutory requirements.
  4. Negotiation: Outside of the courtroom, attorneys frequently engage in talks. This might involve settling disputes between two parties to avoid a court trial. For example, personal injury lawyers may negotiate settlements with insurance companies on behalf of their clients, while corporate lawyers may negotiate deals and agreements between businesses.
  5. Legal Research: Legal research is a critical part of an attorney’s job. They must stay up-to-date with laws, regulations, and judicial decisions that might affect their clients’ cases. Research helps attorneys prepare for court, draft legal arguments, and provide informed advice to clients.
Personal Injury

If you have been seriously injured because someone was negligent, you may be eligible for an amount of compensation. Our civil justice system and laws regarding injury rely on the concepts of accountability and prevention to achieve their goals. To enhance the safety of our community for residents and employees, this system serves two purposes: providing support to injured individuals and preventing dangerous actions from recurring.

What types of injuries qualify as injuries?

If someone’s negligence leads to harm to you or others around you, legally provided compensation is available.   The types of injuries involved in the cases we handle are many and include traumatic brain injuries or brain damage, paralysis, burns, fractures, amputations, spinal cord injuries, and orthopedic injuries, among others.

Personal injury lawsuits can involve injuries arising from a wide range of incidents; transportation accidents, including car accidents, tractor-trailer crashes, airplane accidents, tour bus crashes, boat accidents, personal watercraft accidents, and train derailments often cause these injuries.

Sometimes serious injuries are the result of dangerous premises, such as a slip or trip hazard at a restaurant, shopping mall, nightclub, or gas station or safety violations at a construction site.

Negligent or inadequate security at these establishments can also result in visitors being shot, stabbed, or beaten, resulting in severe or even fatal injuries.

These categories are the most common scenarios where people suffer harm due to negligence. There are many others.

How to know if you have a personal injury case

To determine if you have a viable personal injury case, you should speak with an experienced personal injury attorney, one with a track record of success, the experience, and the resources to take a case all the way to trial if necessary to achieve fair compensation.

Responsibility of establishments

When you find yourself in a restaurant, shopping mall, synagogue, resort, or business space—that is, when you are in a place other than your own home—you have a right to expect that you will be safe and that you will not come to harm. Premises liability is a category of personal injury that includes accidents and injuries that occur due to the negligence or dangerous conduct of the person or entity responsible for keeping these places safe.

Personal injury arising from criminal activity

The world we live in is far from perfect; bad people do bad things and commit crimes, and when those crimes can cause personal injury or even death, criminals are held accountable in a criminal court.

What many people don’t appreciate is that criminal courts aren’t the only ones that can be involved when someone is the victim of a violent crime. If the business or property owner where the crime occurred failed to provide adequate security, they can be held liable for the resulting damage in civil court.

As such, this category of personal injury cases often overlaps with premises liability. Here are some examples that would fall into this category:

  • Injury or death from violent crimes.
  • Assault and battery.
  • Rights of crime victims.
  • Atm robbery victims.
  • Sexual assault

Personal injuries resulting from product failures

Sometimes, a person suffers damage to their own home or vehicle; the damage may be considered a personal injury when it occurs as a result of the negligence of a manufacturer who designed, built, marketed, and sold a dangerously defective product that caused the injury. Product failure cases in this category include:

  • Design flaws.
  • Manufacturing defects.
  • Marketing defects.
Personal Injury Due to Negligence

The culpable modality of behaviour refers to the violation of an objective duty of care, which occurs in two specific situations, namely: (i) the active subject should have foreseen a foreseeable circumstance, or (ii) the active subject did foresee said situation, but underestimated it trusting that it would not cause any harm. In this order of ideas, article 120 of the criminal code (law 599 of 2000) establishes the crime of culpable personal injuries, indicating that whoever causes another person the injuries described in articles 112 and 119 of the criminal code will be imposed the respective penalty of the reduced criminal type of four-fifths (4/5) to three quarters (3/4).

Likewise, this rule establishes that when injuries are caused using motorized means or firearms, additional penalties may be imposed that prohibit the driving of motorized vehicles and the legal carrying of weapons in accordance with each case.

Taking into account the above, the list of injuries that can be committed negligently is the following:

  • Personal injuries with incapacity to work (art. 111 and 112 cp)
  • Deformity (art. 113 cp)
  • Functional disturbance (art. 114 cp)
  • Mental disturbance (art. 115 cp)
  • Anatomical or functional loss of an organ or limb (art. 116 cp)
  • Injuries with chemical agents, acid, and similar substances (art. 116a cp)
  • I give birth to preterintentional abortion (art. 118).

At this point, it is essential to mention the unified punishment established in article 117 of the criminal code. Accordingly, if several of the previously described injuries co-occur, the penalty provided for the most serious one will be imposed. Likewise, article 119 of the criminal code establishes three events as causes of aggravation that increase the penalties, as follows:

  1. The same aggravating circumstances as homicide (art. 103) that are enshrined in article 104 of the criminal code are assigned to negligent personal injuries; therefore, if any of these causes are present, the penalty will increase from one-third to one-half.
  2. If the passive subject of the personal injuries is under 14 years of age or a woman assaulted due to her gender, the penalties assigned for each type of injury will be doubled.
  3. Suppose the active subject of the injuries corresponds to a member of the public force or somebody who performs judicial police functions occasionally or permanently, carrying out legal or administrative procedures. In that case, the penalty will be increased by two-thirds.

Intentional personal injury

Next, intentional personal injuries can be found in the same articles 111 and 119 of the criminal code. It is essential to clarify that all criminal types are intentional unless the same criminal law assigns them the category of negligent or preterintentional. Intention refers to conscious and voluntary conduct to cause serious harm to another person. In this sense, direct intent refers to the complete coincidence between the will of the active subject of the crime and the result. In addition, intent can be:

  1. Direct, which refers to the concordance between the will of the perpetrator of the crime and the harmful result.
  2. Indirect, which occurs when a necessary result occurs that was foreseeable by the active subject. However, it does not correspond to the purpose that had been proposed.
  3. Eventual, which refers to the cognitive aspect of the perpetrator of the criminal conduct, who knows that he can cause the result but does not care and continues to act.

More technically, deceit refers to the intention to carry out a behavior that is legally classified as a crime.

According to the above, the types of wilful personal injuries can be found between articles 111 and 119 of the criminal code. In other words, the criminal types of injuries seen in these provisions can be committed in the negligent or wilful mode of conduct, depending on the particular circumstances of each investigation or judicial process.

24 7-emergency-towing-services
Stuck in San Diego? Your Insider’s Guide to Towing Tricks and Tips

Towing San Diego is a lifesaver when your car breaks down on the busy California freeways. Trust me, I’ve been there more times than I’d like to admit!

Picture this: You’re cruising down I-5, palm trees swaying in the breeze, when suddenly your engine starts sputtering. Panic sets in as you realize you’re stuck in the middle of nowhere. That’s where towing services come to the rescue!

The SOS of San Diego’s Roads: Towing to the Rescue

San Diego’s towing industry is booming, with over 200 registered towing companies in the area. It’s no wonder, given that San Diego County has more than 2.7 million registered vehicles on its roads.

towing service

Breakdown Blues: My Personal Towing Tales

I remember the first time I needed a tow. My old clunker gave up the ghost right on the Coronado Bridge! Talk about a nightmare scenario. But within 30 minutes, a friendly tow truck driver named Mike showed up and saved the day.

Did you know that the average response time for towing services in San Diego is just 35 minutes? That’s faster than getting a pizza delivered!

By the Numbers: San Diego’s Towing Industry

Here’s a little-known secret: Many auto insurance policies include roadside assistance. Check yours before you shell out cash for a tow. It could save you a pretty penny!

Beach Blunders: When Sand and Wheels Don’t Mix

Towing isn’t just for breakdowns, though. San Diego’s beaches are a hotspot for cars getting stuck in the sand. I once saw a guy try to drive his lowrider onto Mission Beach. Let’s just say it didn’t end well for him or his chrome rims!

The Price Tag: What You’ll Pay for a Tow


The cost of towing in San Diego can vary, but on average, you’re looking at about $75 for a basic tow. That’s cheaper than a night out in the Gaslamp Quarter!

After Dark: Towing Services That’ll Save Your Night Out

Speaking of which, if you’ve had a few too many margaritas in Old Town, some towing companies offer free towing services to get you and your car home safely. It’s a smart move that’s saved countless lives.

Quick Clear: The Law That Keeps San Diego Moving

towing and roadside assistance

Now, here’s something that’ll knock your socks off: San Diego has a “Quick Clear” law. This means if your car breaks down on the freeway, it must be removed within 30 minutes. Talk about pressure!

I learned this the hard way when my battery died on SR-163. The CHP officer who showed up was kind enough to explain it to me while we waited for the tow truck.

Beyond Cars: Boat Towing in America’s Finest City

Towing in San Diego isn’t just about cars, either. With its bustling harbor, boat towing is big business here. I once chatted with a marine tow operator who told me he once had to rescue a yacht worth more than my house!

Know Your Rights: Towing Tips Every San Diegan Should Know

If you’re a car owner in San Diego, you’ll benefit most from reading this. Knowledge is power, and knowing your rights and options when it comes to towing can save you time, money, and a whole lot of headaches.

So next time you’re cruising down the 8 freeway and your car starts making funny noises, don’t sweat it. San Diego’s towing services have got your back. Just sit back, relax, and enjoy the view while you wait for your knight in shining armor… or rather, a tow truck in shining chrome!


Military Divorce Attorney San Diego: Experienced Legal Representation for Service Members and Their Spouses

Understanding Military Divorce in San Diego

If you or your spouse are in the military and you are considering a divorce, it is important to understand the unique challenges and requirements that come with a military divorce. In San Diego, there are specific laws and regulations that apply to military divorces, and it is important to work with an experienced military divorce attorney who can guide you through the process.

Jurisdiction and Residency Requirements

In order to file for divorce in San Diego, you or your spouse must meet certain residency requirements. If you or your spouse are in the military, these requirements may be different than for civilians. For example, if you are stationed in San Diego but your spouse is not, you may still be able to file for divorce in San Diego as long as you meet certain requirements.

Additionally, there are specific jurisdictional requirements that must be met in order to file for divorce in San Diego. These requirements can be complex, especially for military families who may have lived in multiple states or countries. An experienced military divorce attorney can help you navigate these requirements and ensure that your divorce is filed in the correct jurisdiction.

Service Members Civil Relief Act (SCRA) Protections

The Service Members Civil Relief Act (SCRA) provides certain protections for military service members who are facing civil legal proceedings, including divorce. Under the SCRA, service members can request a stay of proceedings if they are unable to appear in court due to military duties. This can be especially important in military divorces, where one or both spouses may be deployed or stationed in a different location.

Division of Military Benefits and Pensions

One of the most complex issues in a military divorce is the division of military benefits and pensions. Military benefits, including health care and housing allowances, are considered marital property and may be subject to division in a divorce. Additionally, military pensions are subject to specific rules and regulations, and it is important to work with an experienced military divorce attorney who can help you understand your rights and ensure that you receive a fair division of these benefits.

Overall, a military divorce in San Diego can be a complex and challenging process. However, with the help of an experienced military divorce attorney, you can navigate the legal system and ensure that your rights are protected throughout the process.

Finding the Right Military Divorce Attorney

If you are a member of the military going through a divorce, it is important to find a reputable and experienced military divorce attorney to represent you. Military divorce proceedings can be complex, and it is crucial to have an attorney who understands the unique challenges and laws that apply to military divorces. Here are some factors to consider when looking for the right military divorce attorney in San Diego.

Experience and Specialization

When looking for a military divorce attorney, it is important to find someone who has experience handling military divorce cases. Military divorces can be more complicated than civilian divorces, and an experienced attorney will be able to navigate the unique legal issues that arise in military divorces. Look for an attorney who specializes in military divorce law and has a track record of success in handling military divorce cases. Make sure they are listed and approved by State Bar of California.

Navigating Military Divorce Proceedings

Military divorce proceedings can be complicated, and it is important to have an attorney who understands the unique challenges that military divorces present. For example, military pensions and benefits can be a significant source of conflict in military divorces, and an experienced attorney will be able to help you navigate these issues and protect your rights. Look for an attorney who has experience dealing with military pensions and benefits and who can guide you through the process of dividing these assets.

Consultation and Legal Fees

When looking for a military divorce attorney, it is important to find someone who offers a consultation to discuss your case and answer any questions you may have. This consultation should be free of charge and should give you an opportunity to get to know the attorney and determine if they are a good fit for your case. Additionally, it is important to understand the attorney’s fee structure and how much you can expect to pay for their services. Look for an attorney who is transparent about their fees and who offers reasonable rates for their services.

In conclusion, finding the right military divorce attorney in San Diego County is crucial to protecting your rights and ensuring a successful outcome in your case. Consider the attorney’s experience and specialization, their ability to navigate military divorce proceedings, and their consultation and fee structure when making your decision. With the right attorney on your side, you can navigate the complex process of military divorce and move forward with confidence.

Sunnen Law – San Diego Divorce & Family Law
Phone: (619)255-9551
2250 5th
San Diego, CA 91913
How do I apply for Social Security disability benefits?
Study Finds Hospital Stays May Result in Cognitive Problems for Seniors

If your loved one is in need of medical care, assisted living or memory care make sure to research all your options thoroughly before considering a hospital. San Diego has many thriving senior living options that can provide high level of medical care without needing to be hospitalized.

Senior citizens have a high likelihood of ending up in the hospital at some point, whether it is for a minor or major injury or illness, but the complications of such visits may extend beyond the merely physical. A Chicago-based study recently published results of 12 years of research that found hospital stays for adults over the age of 65 may result in a vastly increased rate of decline in cognitive and memory function.

social security disability lawyers near meAccording to a report by CBS News, the study, which followed 1,870 adults at least 65-years-old over the course of 12 years, found that those who were hospitalized at some point experienced double the decline in memory and cognition than they did prior to entering the hospital and compared to other subjects that were never hospitalized. The study involved researchers performing thinking and memory tests on subjects every three years and assigning scores based on their performance. Over the course of the study, 71 percent of the subjects were hospitalized at least once.

While scores decline as subjects grew older, decline rates quickly jumped after a hospital stay, with long-term memory declining three times faster and attention 1.5 times faster after the first hospital stay. The increased rate of decline was marked as similar to a person 10 years older. While the severity of injuries and treatment were taken into account in relation to cognitive function, only three percent ever entered a critical care unit. Researchers believe that those with mental problems may be more likely to be hospitalized in the first place, but also stated that cognitive function is the least considered factor in acute medical care, with hospital environments and care often worsening it.

Being injured or contracting an illness while in a hospital is a misfortune that can befall a person at any age, as medical errors can take many forms and result in many types of accidents. Before considering a hospital, ensure you have considered a skilled nursing facility that are here to help you throughout your journey to recovery. Whether it’s short-term or long-term rehab, around the clock licensed nursing care in a supportive environment is are available.


San Diego Car Accident Paralysis

Car Accident Paralysis

While many walk away with little or no injuries from car accidents, there are many more who suffer immediate injuries that permanently change their lives. Among these injuries, suffering paralysis can have a huge impact on a victim, as even small details of everyday life may be affected by becoming paralyzed. Our legal team understands the devastating nature of becoming paralyzed in a car accident and the many circumstances that may lead to a paralysis-causing car crash. For the wellbeing of all California residents, we seek to inform everyone, whether or not they have fallen victim to such injuries, of the nature of these accidents and what actions may be taken to recover.

The Emotional Impact of Paralysis

family counseling servicesWhile the physical losses experienced because of paralysis can be incredibly difficult, the emotional impact of paralysis can be just as great. Suffering a paralyzing injury can occur in an instant, with victims having no chance to understand their injury before they have begun to experience their losses. This sudden loss of capabilities can cause a victim to experience any and all emotions ranging from denial to anger to depression, with acceptance of their losses possibly not occurring for a long time. Receiving professional family counseling services to cope with the emotional trauma of paralysis is just as important as physical rehabilitation, as the mental anguish caused by injuries can damage a victim’s career, relationships, and overall quality of life.

Coping with Paralysis

Paralysis can be caused by many different injuries and illnesses, however, during a car accident, it is often due to nerve damage, with spinal cord injuries causing the most widespread damage. Depending on the type and location of the injury, a victim may experience complete paralysis that inhibits both motor control and feeling or incomplete paralysis that does not completely stop all feeling or movement. Paralysis can occur in single limbs if the nerves in the limb have been severely damaged, or it can affect both legs (paraplegia) or all four limbs (quadriplegia) if the spinal cord is damaged.

therapist san diegoUnfortunately, many forms of paralysis can never be completely healed, even through extensive surgery. As such, physical rehabilitation can teach victims how to cope with their limitations and regain as much of their abilities as possible. Additionally, vocational rehabilitation can teach victims new skills to be used in a different occupation should the abilities that were needed for their job no longer be possible. With proper care, a victim can increase their quality of life to as high of a level as possible with their paralysis.

A solution-focused therapist or counselor can help you uncover your true potential and lead a life that is worth celebrating. While counseling services can’t change difficult situations of the past, it can work to better understand and resolve present challenges in your life. If you’re looking for extra support and guidance through a challenging situation like paralysis, or you’re just ready to move in a new direction in your life, contact family counseling San Diego we look forward to working with you to achieve your goals.
